Saturday, November 19, 2011

The pain of infertility

I met a friend two days back. She has been married for 13 years and has got two kids.

She asked me about the treatments I have gone through. When I was talking to her, I got a bit emotional. I thought she would understand my pain but instead she started lecturing me about the life. She told me that I need to come out of all this and start doing something good with my life. Thinking about all this is not good and I need to take my life positively.

I agree to whatever she said. I know that there are so many other things in life and I need to concentrate on those things instead of only worrying about having kids. I always try to keep myself busy by painting  articles, reading books and surfing on net etc. but this thing is always there at the back of my mind and I can't stop doing that. It is not easy to forget about this. I expect my family and friends to understand that and thankfully my family is very good and supportive but there are a few friends who don't seem to understand and want me to move ahead in the life. Maybe, they are my well wishers but then they also need to understand the pain I am going through. Maybe, I am being a little too tough on them but these days, life seems tough to me and it is making life difficult for me....

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